Sunday, September 27, 2009

Beginning of week two!

Ten pounds??

Well, I'm cautiously optimistic. I weighed myself today, and it says I lost ten pounds! So, I'm hoping that that means I'm actually doing really well and losing weight. I'm hoping it doesn't mean I have a broken scale. Still, even if I am losing weight, ten pounds seems like a lot! I stuck around 2500 calories a day for the week. I'll stick with that for now.

Monday, September 21, 2009

And so it begins!

Howdy all, I start my blog. Well, sorta. Some of you know this blog already, but I didn't really use it for anything. So now the plan is to track my weight loss goals, discuss issues I come across, and generally keep motivated on this long journey. I don't know how often I'll update this, though I firmly plan on updating at least once a week. The weekly updates will normally fall on Sunday, as that will be my weigh day, and I have the day off. In some cases, like today, my weekend was actually a workend, and MONDAY is my day off. goes.

September 21st, 2009.

I weigh.......530....ish

I bought a scale last winter, with the idea of keeping firm track of my weight. The only problem is that the scale's platform isn't quite large enough for me to keep easy balance. Because of this, the scale never gives exact. It fluctuates up and down within about a pound and a half to two pounds. SO, for weighing purposes I'll weigh two times, and take the middle. (So for today it ranged from 529.2 to 531.)

I don't know what all I'm going to be putting on here on a regular basis, but I think this is a good start.

Thank you everyone who encouraged me to do this. It means a lot to me

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Football. I have to say, I love football. You could say I'm obsessed with it. I play Madden 10, the NFL network is one of my default channels, and I stream games online when I can't watch them. Still, even with all that, in my head I would think, "Well at least I don't play fantasy football!" Heheh welllll. I do now. I have not one, but TWO leagues that I'm a member of. I have one at work that the draft is already done and I did alright, I hope. I also have one coming up this next Wednesday that will hopefully go off without a problem as well. The second one is with family though,and we aren't sure it'll fill.

I'm kind of nervous for this year's season. I'm a HUUUGE Texans fan, though I also enjoy the Steelers and Green Bay. So as you can probably guess, my Sundays are filled with lots of, "NOOOOOOO!!" and "AAAAAAH!!!" And "ROSENCOPTER!!!!!!!" I mean yeah, there have been 8 wins the past two seasons, but there should have been 10 or even 11 wins last year (Jacksonville loss in overtime, loss to Raiders, and Rosencopter) With those kinds of losses, you get nervous. There hasn't been enough improvement in my mind for us to make that next step. I could be wrong, of course, because I am basing this off of our preseason games. I know that Indianapolis has only one like...2 preseason games over the past five years...but we ain't Indianapolis. (Hopefully we're BETTER!)

(BTW...i like college too..but BCS sucks,and i won't get excited until that's fixed.)

Anyway, so yeah, I'm waiting WAAAY too long. GO TEXANS!